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Yours Truly Blogger

WHY does BEER make your BELLY grow?

Let's straightway not blame the beer.... 

The main cause for your beer belly is not necessarily beer but the calories that you take with it.Liquid Calories can come from anything, wine, bourbon, scotch, vodka, etc. as they all contain alcohol.

On an average, a 350ml pint of beer consists of 107 calories and your 40ml vodka, whiskey, tequila or rum, consists of 97 calories. Add the mixers like soda or juice to your drink, and it will become more calorie laden. On the other hand, you do not add any mixer to beer, which means its calories remain static.

So, there is no marginal difference in a number of calories you intake with every alcoholic drink. Thus, there is no point blaming only beer for your protruding belly, which might have even be caused because of excess alcohol in other forms. However, if you down several pints in one sitting then obviously you will end up with serious calorie overload. But the same can be said for the excess consumption of alcohol in any other form as well.

How does Alcohol cause Abdominal Fat? 

The 4 factors that primarily determine the storage of abdominal fat are:

  • Genetics
  • Gender
  • Calorie intake
  • Hormones.

 When you consume alcohol in any form, not only beer, your liver tends to burn alcohol and not fat that you are consuming with it. This leads to fat gain around the midsection, which is often termed as your beer belly.

Another reason is The consequences of drinking beer are negative for men. When drinking this heady drink frequently, the content of estrogen (the female hormone) in the male body increases. Estrogen also causes excess blubber around your abdomen particularly in men. 

Furthermore, alcohol, specifically beer, tends to increase ones hunger, decrease will power and the ability to make healthy choices.

Why beer belly in men only? 

Women tend to have less visceral fat (intra-abdominal) then men. This predisposition may be due to a woman’s need to have enough space in the abdominal region to fit a fetus. Typically when women gain fat, it is spread judiciously throughout their upper arms, butt, hips and stomach area. It is rare to see a woman who is skinny all over except for a beer belly unless she is pregnant. On the hand, men tend to preferentially store visceral fat and not so much subcutaneous fat (just under the skin).

Why beer belly is Bad? 

Many scientists now believe a simple anthropometric waist measurement (taken around the belly button without sucking in) is the best indicator of future cardiovascular metabolic risks like diabetes, heart disease, stroke etc. Belly fat is insidious. It not only looks bad but it congeals around your internal organs and practically suffocates them. This excess yellow visceral fat is a disease magnet for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and strokes. 


When consumed in moderation and that too with low-calorie healthy foods, beer can be as good for your health as wine. It contains a number of essential vitamins and minerals that prepare your body to provide protection against problems like diabetes, osteoporosis, and heart diseases.

So, instead of blaming occasional beer for your bulging belly, think of bringing significant changes to your lifestyle and diet. Moderation and balance combined with regular exercising are the key pillars to avoid gaining more fat to you mid-section. 

Dr. Gursimranjit Singh has always been a passionate and ambitious student of medicine, a novelty seeker. He likes adrenaline rush events and always wanted to make difference in the lives of people. So, he chose healthcare as his profession.

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